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Our solutions – your benefits – AQUAFIX polyethylene settling tanks and oil/water separators
Made of polyethylene, the separator tanks are rectangular in shape with rounded edges. The combination of the high quality of the material, its thickness and optimised manufacturing processes guarantees high stability and durability. Depending on the model, the separators have one to several manholes, which, thanks to their diameter, allow easy access to the inside of the tank for cleaning and maintenance. All tanks are equipped as standard with a manhole cover also made of polyethylene in class A 15. Selected separators are additionally equipped with an integrated settling tank, pump chamber or by-pass.
Lightweight, monolithic construction and easy installation
Durable corrosion-resistant material
Compliance with EN 858 and EN 1825
Wall thickness 10 mm
Large manhole covers – easy maintenance
Units available with settling tank, pump chamber or bypass
Construction of AQUAFIX plastic oil/water separators
Hydrocarbon separators made of plastic are equipped with a deflector on the inlet, a siphoned outlet, coalescing material and a float, which acts as an automatic shut-off, preventing the outflow of accumulated oil substances in the separator when the permissible thickness of their layer is exceeded.
Application areas for plastic petroleum separators
Hydrocarbon separators made of PE plastic are lightweight units dedicated to low flows. They are usually installed inside buildings. They are used as free-standing units, in floor decks or under floors. They are used in small businesses in office and residential buildings and commercial buildings, most often in underground garages.