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Article No. 32056

SERVICE CHANNELS FASERFIX SUPER 150 made of fibre-reinforced concrete with 40 mm angle housing, class E 600

Type 01 E, 1,0 m

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Data Sheet

Technical information and metrics

Article No.
1000 mm
240 mm
255 mm
80.00 kg
fibre-reinforced concrete, strip galvanized steel
Height of angle housing
40 mm
Nominal size
Internal channel cross-section
223 cm²
Fixing type
SIDE-LOCK, Bolting
Type according to DIN EN 1433
Channel material
fibre-reinforced concrete
angle housing material
strip galvanized steel
EN 1433, DIN 19580
Sales text
SERVICE CHANNEL FASERFIX SUPER 150 Channel body type 01 angular with edge frames made of galvanised steel, 1 m
Product description
SERVICE channel FASERFIX SUPER 150 type 01 angular -channel made of fibre reinforced concrete, loading capacity from A 15 up to E 600 according to EN 1433, CE compliant, with galvanised steel angle housing and boltless quick-locking system SIDE-LOCK, eightfold locking, without crossing bars in the channel line, with sealing groove, grating inlay depth 40 mm, L/W/H 1000x240x255 mm, item no. 32056
Packaging unit

Declaration of Performance

Tender Texts

Installation example

Pavement class A 15 - C 250,

Asphalt class A 15 - D 400,

Concrete class A 15 - F 900,

Pavement / large-size slab class D 400,

Pavement class A 15 - C 250, as double strand

Asphalt class A 15 - D 400, as double strand

Concrete class C 250 - D 400, as double strand

Pavement class D 400, as double strand

Asphalt class E 600, as double strand

Concrete class E 600,

Pavement class A 15 - C 250,

Asphalt class D 400,

Asphalt class D 400 - E 600,

Concrete class D 400 - E 600,

Pavement / large-size slab class D 400,

Concrete class E 600,

Concrete class F 900,

Pavement class A 15 - C 250, as double strand

Concrete class D 400, as double strand

Pavement class D 400, as double strand

Asphalt class E 600, as double strand

Asphalt class F 900, as double strand

Asphalt class A 15 - B 125, as double strand

Pavement class A 15 - C 250, as double strand

Asphalt class C 250, as double strand

Concrete class C 250, as double strand

Concrete class E 600,

Asphalt class A 15 - B 125, as double strand

Pavement class A 15 - C 250, as double strand

Asphalt class C 250 - D 400, as double strand

Concrete class C 250 - D 400, as double strand

Pavement class D 400, as double strand

Asphalt class E 600, as double strand

industrial flooring class A 15 - C 250,

industrial flooring class D 400 - F 900,