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Logistic Centre near Munich

Drainage of a fashion logistics centre near Munich

The exclusive fashion retailer concentrates the shipping activities of various company locations around Munich in its logistics centre. Around 35 lorries are dispatched there every day. This means that the highly frequented traffic areas and the drainage solution connected to them must continuously withstand high loads. Individual support in drainage planning as well as on-site construction supervision ensured the successful completion of this project.

Product Load Class
530 m of DRAINFIX CLEAN D 400
20 pieces of DRAINFIX BLOC SLW 60
135 m of FASERFIX SUPER D 400


Poing, Germany

Comprehensive concept combined with individual consultation

The expansion of the open spaces on the approximately 8.6-hectare site of the fashion logistics centre took place in two construction phases over several years. The first construction phase consisted of three hall sections, which were completed in 2015. The second construction phase, which also comprised three halls, was completed in 2020.

Challenges of the project:

Collecting, filtering, purifying and infiltrating large quantities of rainwater

HAURATON’s drainage concept is based on sustainable rainwater treatment including infiltration and won over the construction of the logistics centre with the following advantages:

Reliable planning through project management

With planning advice and original solutions, the HAURATON project team was able to competently support the project participants. Our engineers provided active support, particularly with regard to the drainage of the outdoor facilities in compliance with official requirements. With individual service in the planning and construction phases and project-specific drainage solutions, HAURATON was able to prove itself as a reliable partner.

“We know and appreciate the product DRAINFIX CLEAN and had planned the concept for the drainage. HAURATON helped us a lot to calculate the dimensioning of the channels and infiltration elements.”

Rainwater management under heavy load conditions

Two drainage systems were combined in the construction project. DRAINFIX CLEAN combines reliable drainage with rainwater treatment. DRAINFIX BLOC elements were installed for the subsequent infiltration of the treated surface water.

Benefits of the DRAINFIX CLEAN filter substrate channel

The following properties speak for the DRAINFIX CLEAN filter substrate channel:

  • Drainage channels and gratings are loadable up to class F 900

  • Purification of the precipitation water according to surface filtration

  • Long maintenance intervals and low costs

  • With DIBt approval Z-84.2-7 and plannable according to the requirements of the new DWA A 102 (local standards may differ)

Get more product details on DRAINFIX CLEAN

Benefits of the DRAINFIX BLOC infiltration element

Product visualisation: DRAINFIX BLOC

For sustainable infiltration on site:

  • Enables the collection and infiltration of treated precipitation water

  • Stable & resilient: lorry trafficability

  • Unique connection technology: time savings during installation

  • Very high storage capacity with minimal space consumption

Click here for detailed product information!


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