Sustainable Drainage Systems
Greenbelts and floodplains are increasingly being built upon pressurising the grounds natural ability to infiltrate surface water.
Urban development, impermeable surfaces and climate changes are considered to be contributing factors why we are likely to see an increase in flow rates which can lead to flooding. Many local authorities, architects and developers are utilising Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) as part of their flood risk management schemes.
What are Sustainable Drainage Systems?
Sustainable Drainage Systems also known as SuDS aim to control surface water run-off at source by storing it locally through collection and cleaning it before water is released back into natural watercourses.
They can relieve pressure on sewer systems already over capacity and reduce the risk of flooding in new development areas by replicating a more natural process to manage flow rates. They can improve water quality by capturing and retaining any harmful pollutants (hydrocarbons, harmful metals, fine particles) and reduce the risk of polluted water going straight into rivers, seas and people’s homes.
Overall, SuDS are considered environmentally beneficial, providing greener infrastructure and a sanctuary for wildlife.
There are many different types of SuDS that can be incorporated such as attenuation ponds, swales, infiltration basins and permeable paving.
The solution will be dependant upon the individual site constraints.
There are endless benefits sustainable drainage can bring to an urban environment:
- Manage run-off volumes and flow rates from hard surfaces
- Reduce the impact of urban flooding
- Provide a habitat for wildlife in urban environments
- Enhance water quality, absorbing and removing pollution
- Help local authorities, planners, architects and developers deliver greener infrastructure
- Improve mental health and well-being of local communities
- Enhance educational opportunities by providing an education resource
- Improve the visual character of a development and increase the property values
Treatment of surface water: DRAINFIX CLEAN
DRAINFIX CLEAN treats surface water run-off at source before its released into natural watercourses. It works according to the principle of surface filtration. This means that pollutants and other impurities are filtered out directly at the surface.
DRAINFIX CLEAN is not only particularly effective, but also requires little maintenance. This is because the first inspection is only due after approximately ten years (depending on local conditions). The functional aspect will determine the actual need for maintenance intervals. If this is necessary, only the filtration has to be removed and a substrate exchange is not needed.
Rainwater treatment drainage channel: DRAINFIX CLEAN

Drainage, retention, treatment and discharge in one system
Withstands heavy loads: up to F 900 load class
Fibre-reinforced concrete channel with ductile iron grating
Complies with SuDS schemes
Retention volume 71 to max. 110 litres
DIBt approval documents – maximum safety for planning and operation