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Sustainability at Hauraton

Sustainability at HAURATON

Sustainability, environmental awareness and responsibility for the future are fundamental issues of our time and are particularly relevant in large-scale construction projects and in concrete processing. HAURATON have firmly integrated them into their corporate values and have thus made significant progress. This is confirmed by our CSC certification in gold.

Environmental policy at HAURATON

Sustainability is not only important for HAURATON in the product area. This is reflected in our guiding principle for environmental policy:

We are committed to the careful use of our environmental resources by constantly improving our environmental performance while avoiding environmental pollution. Compliance with legal and regulatory environmental requirements is a matter of course for us.

CSC certification: HAURATON set standards in sustainability

Golden Opportunities

The CSC (Concrete Sustainability Council) promotes transparency in the concrete manufacturing process and its value chain, as well as its impact on the social and ecological environment. The CSC certification thus leads to a continuous increase in sustainable management in the cement, raw materials and concrete industry. With the Gold certification, HAURATON’s achievements in the areas of management, economy, ecology and social affairs have been honoured. HAURATON are present worldwide with a broad range of systems and consulting services in comprehensive rainwater management. The company have developed forward-looking solutions for a clean environment that are both ecologically and economically successful. The CSC certification not only brings transparency and evaluation, but also responsibility for the future.

Marcus Reuter

This means that we are committed to considering and optimising our entire value chain – from cement production, including mining and delivery processes, to the end product – from a sustainable perspective.


Economy refers to the efficient and responsible use of resources to achieve sustainable economic success. At HAURATON, this is a core corporate value that is reflected in our economic performance, responsible procurement policy and strict anti-corruption measures.

Short distances and an efficient logistics concept

Our concrete raw materials are procured exclusively from local and regional producers. Almost half of all HAURATON’s total orders are placed with local, nearby suppliers, which has an extremely positive effect on the CO2 balance. HAURATON also already have the classic ISO 14001 certification.

Continuous optimisation of picking and loading reduces the amount of packaging per product, shortens loading times and ensures better customer service.

Resource-efficient production of sustainable systems

Renewable energy sources already cover over 31 per cent of total energy consumption. As part of our environmental management, we regularly review our energy consumption and continuously look for possible improvements in accordance with the European standard DIN EN 16247-1. In addition, various measures in our production process help to continuously reduce environmental pollution:

waste recycling
Waste recycling

More than 97 per cent of the waste generated at our production plant in Ötigheim is reused or recycled. This also includes concrete scrap, which is reused in road construction, among other things.

Power from the roof provides energy for the machines

The entire roof of the Ötigheim plant is covered with photovoltaic modules. The power generated by the photovoltaic system saves around 370 tonnes of CO2 * a year.

Responsible lighting
Daylight-dependent light settings provide sunshine in the building

At the production plant in Ötigheim, the lighting with conventional fluorescent tubes in the interior and exterior areas was replaced with modern and sustainable LED lights. This measure saves 46 per cent of energy.

water saving
Water savings in concrete production

The production process for FASERFIX channels is based on so-called hydration-optimised formulations. This ensures that only the actually necessary quantities of water are used in the manufacturing process, thus protecting water resources appropriately.

heat and power plant
Resource-saving combined heat and power plant

Up to 60 per cent of the heat generated during electricity production is usually wasted unused. By using our combined heat and power plant, all the waste heat from electricity generation is used for heating and hot water. By making maximum use of the combined heat and power plant, 40 per cent of primary energy can be saved.

*Calculation basis: emission factor for the German electricity mix with supply chains 485 g/kWh – Source: German Environment Agency, estimated value for 2021.

Matthias Kieninger

The fact that we received Gold status on our first attempt is an incentive to continue reducing our environmental footprint in our work with concrete, sand and gravel.


Using rainwater as a valuable resource

Every drop

The approach of comprehensive rainwater management is to maintain the natural water cycle as best as possible, to use rainwater as a resource in a meaningful way and to protect us from the dangers of heavy rainfall events.

By developing and using such systems, we are able to have a positive influence on people and the environment. This is what drives us at HAURATON and creates meaningful jobs.

Of course, we also use our comprehensive systems on our own premises. The rainwater that falls on the entire car park at our head quarters is collected and cleaned using the DRAINFIX CLEAN filter substrate channel. This allows the water to seep away directly on site.

RECYFIX material

Use of recycled materials

We use recycled polypropylene (PP) to manufacture our composite channel bodies, which can also be recycled again after use. The same applies to the ductile iron and (stainless) steel materials used. They too are almost completely recyclable after use. Our RECYFIX channels also carry the ‘Blue Angel’ environmental label.

Faserfix material

Renewable raw materials ensures the special stability of FASERFIX channels

Our FASERFIX concrete channels are reinforced with fibres made of basalt. This gives the concrete channels their exceptional stability.

The best thing about basalt is that this mineral particle is available in sufficient quantities worldwide and is newly formed every day, it is therefore renewable.

UK Project Team


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